We Cannot Speak for Ourselves. You are Our Voice.
Reporting Concerns about Animal Welfare Please notify authorities if you suspect any animal is:
Contact the Animal Care Line, monitored seven days a week by the Chief Veterinary Office:
For the City of Winnipeg
If you are a witness to animal abuse you may be asked to testify in court.
*Information taken from Government of Manitoba website. You can visit their website by clicking HERE.
- lacking adequate food and water
- exposed to extreme cold or heat
- not provided with suitable medical attention if wounded or ill
- confined in an area of insufficient space
- kept in unsanitary conditions
- confined without adequate ventilation
- not allowed an opportunity for sufficient exercise
- suffering, seriously injured or in extreme anxiety or distress
- contact is also encouraged if you suspect a breeding operation or kennel is unlicensed
Contact the Animal Care Line, monitored seven days a week by the Chief Veterinary Office:
- In Winnipeg: 204-945-8000
- Toll free: 1-888-945-8001
- Complete in full the Complainant Intake Form (PDF 1MB) and submit to [email protected].
For the City of Winnipeg
- Report your concern to the Winnipeg Humane Society at 204-982-2028.
If you are a witness to animal abuse you may be asked to testify in court.
*Information taken from Government of Manitoba website. You can visit their website by clicking HERE.